My Vision & Mission

Why I'm Running

As a dedicated public servant, I believe in putting the needs of people first. I am committed to creating a better future for all people in Manitoba and will work to ensure that everyone is given an equal opportunity to succeed.

Throughout my career, I have always held the principles of justice, fairness, and compassion as my guiding values. My mission is to create an equitable and prosperous Manitoba by listening to, engaging with, and helping you.

I will work to ensure that all Manitobans have access to the resources, services, and opportunities they need to reach their full potential. 


Putting Your Health First

Unclog the Backlog, Increase Capacity, Reduce Wait Times

Manitoba Liberals are committed to ensuring that all Manitobans have access to quality healthcare. We will focus on rebuilding our public health system from the ground up, with a focus on family doctors, local clinics, and prevention.

To ensure that everyone receives the care they need in a timely manner, we will open Community Clinics and Urgent Care centers to help alleviate the pressure on Emergency Rooms. We will also treat nurses and all healthcare workers with respect and end mandatory overtime. Lastly, we will invest in Manitoba’s colleges, universities, and polytechnics to expand teaching and research capacities, as they are essential to the present and future of our healthcare system.

Our goal is to ensure that all Manitobans receive the care they need, when they need it, and that healthcare workers are respected and supported throughout the process. We can make this happen, and we will.


Family Doctors and Health Care Teams

Promote Health by Investing in Prevention

Manitoba Liberals are committed to ensuring that all Manitobans have access to a family doctor they trust and can rely on to catch medical issues as soon as possible.

We will also cover life-saving drugs, such as diabetes medication, and devices, such as insulin pumps. By focusing on prevention and catching conditions like diabetes early, we can save money in the long run. These investments in prevention will reduce costs in the long run by keeping people healthier for longer – and out of the ER and OR.


Independent Living for Seniors

Help Manitobans Age with Dignity and Live With Vitality

Healthcare is a right, not a privilege. Manitoba Liberals are committed to ensuring all Manitobans have access to the care they need.

We will create an Independent Office of the Seniors’ Advocate to look out for, investigate, and report on the interests of seniors across Manitoba. This will ensure that seniors have a voice and that their rights are respected.

We will also create 24/7 Community Clinics and Urgent Care centres close to hospital ERs, so medical personnel can triage cases and people can be seen on time. This will help reduce wait times and ensure that no one slips through the cracks.

To further ensure that all Manitobans receive the care they need, we will also restore the coverage of the cost of life-saving drugs – including diabetes medication and devices , such as CGMs, CPAP machines, and outpatient physiotherapy.

These investments in prevention will not only help ensure Manitobans receive the care they need, but will help Manitoba seniors live independently, for longer – with dignity and vitality.


Mental Health Care is Health Care

Getting You the Help You Need, When You Need It

We will cover vital mental health therapies under medicare, so people will be able to see a therapist. We need more family doctors to catch mental health problems so individuals are able to see a therapist before they become crises.

We will do that by creating new ways of encouraging medical students to practice as family doctors in Manitoba, by negotiating a change in the way people are paid. If a patient needs special attention, like a mental health assessment, the family doctor will be able to refer the patient to a psychotherapist and be supported with more resources.

We will also provide incentives and support to mental health professionals to help them create a practice in Manitoba that is centered around patients experiencing mental health issues. This will help to provide the necessary resources and training to support the family doctor in being able to identify mental health issues and refer patients to the appropriate professionals for help.


Make Health Care a Better Place to Work

Free to Speak, Fair to Staff, Focused on Patients

We’re going to make the healthcare system a better place to work. That is the only way we can keep people in the system, as well as attract others who will stay.

That requires another huge change: we need to encourage people to speak up because right now, they can be punished – even for speaking the truth – by their union, or by their employer. We need to create a culture of openness and dialogue, where people can talk about their concerns, and where they are not afraid of repercussions. We need to create a culture where everyone is valued and respected, both in their professional and personal lives.

At the same time, we need to ensure that the healthcare system is safe, secure, and efficient, so that everyone can work without fear. This means ensuring that everyone has the right training and support, that the right resources are available, and that everyone is empowered to make decisions that will benefit the entire system.

Finally, we need to make sure that people are paid fairly and given the right benefits and working conditions. This will help ensure that the health care system is a place that people want to work in, not merely a place that they must work in.


Attract, Train, & Retain Health Professionals

Building an Innovative, Sustainable Health Care System

Healthcare workers from across the globe have moved to Manitoba to provide safe and quality care to patients. We recognize the unique skills and experience they bring to the healthcare system and want to create an environment that welcomes and supports them.

We will work to ensure that all healthcare workers are treated fairly and given the resources they need to succeed. We will also look to refugees arriving in Manitoba – from Ukraine, from Afghanistan, and elsewhere, who are experienced specialists, who speak English, but are unable to practice medicine – to hire them and ensure they have the financial and regulatory support they need to get their credentials recognized.

We will also work to ensure that Indigenous Manitobans are given the same support so that they can receive the training and resources they need to practice medicine and provide quality healthcare.

Finally, we will ensure that all healthcare workers are given the right to speak up and report any problems they see – without fear of repercussions. We need to create a culture of openness and dialogue, where people can talk about their concerns, and where they are not afraid of repercussions. This will help create a safe and secure environment for everyone.


Holding the Health System to Account

Fiscal Accountability Matters

The $6 billion black box of where our health care money goes is a problem. Fiscal accountability matters, and it’s time that Manitobans know where their money is going. That’s why Manitoba Liberals are committed to creating transparency and accountability in our health care system, and we will continue to take strong action to make sure that happens.

Manitoba Liberals are committed to creating transparency and accountability in the health care system. In all the years they have existed – since the 1990s – the organizations that run our health care system – Shared Health and the Regional Health Authorities (RHAs) – have never had to explain themselves to the Manitoba Legislature.

We will make sure that the CEO and Board Chair of RHAs answer questions at public committee hearings, and require regular reporting on how our health care dollars are being spent. We will also ensure that there is an independent Seniors’ Advocate to look out for, investigate, and report on the interests of seniors in Kirkfield Park, and across Manitoba. This will allow seniors to have a voice and ensure that their needs are being met. 
